Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sean Hannity Confronted Over His Relationship With Neo-Nazi Hal Turner

The folks over at NewsHounds have been watching their Fox News Channel quarry dither over Senator Barack Obama's associations with pastor Jeremiah Wright, and noted Fox's own Sean Hannity getting himself tripped up in the guilt-by-association tango. Seems that one of Hannity's former close chums is a neo-Nazi named Hal Turner who used to be a radio host, is apparently the top man in Bergen, NJ white-supremacist circles, and probably spends a lot of his time in his basement with Star Wars action figures acting out Holocaust-denier versions of The Return of the Jedi. In short, just the sort of person with whom you'd imagine Sean Hannity spends a lot of formational time with.

Anyway, a few days ago, Hannity brought Malik Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party on the show. Shabazz and his organization had previously chosen to endorse Barack Obama, who subsequently rejected the endorsement. It was up to Hannity to make some hay out of this, but the tables got turned very quickly.

Hannity added, "What I don't think you're understanding here, Malik, is that when you hear the minister of him for 20 years, when you hear the associations with Louis Farrakhan, one of the biggest racists and anti-Semites in the country, what you're not understanding is, America hears extremism at its worst."

Shabazz responded, "Let me ask you this. Are you to be judged by your promotion and association with Hal Turner?"

Hannity waved his arm around. "I don't know anybody named - this is nonsense. I don't..." Then Hannity changed his tune. "Sir, sir... That was a man that was banned from my radio show ten years ago, that ran a Senate campaign in New Jersey."

Then, as Shabazz refused to stop talking or back down, Hannity, in a tacit admission, said, "I'm not running for president."

"A neo Nazi, you backed his career," Shabazz said.

Hannity answered, "That is an absolute, positive, lie and you've been reading the wrong websites..., my friend. Good try."

Well, there's plenty of evidence to the contrary (Max Blumenthal's piece in Nation is good for a start), but it hardly matters, because don't you know, days later, Turner himself was doing his pal a total solid by coming out and stating, "Oh, yeah! We're best of buds!"

I was quite disappointed when Sean Hannity at first tried to say he didn't know me and then went on to say that I ran some senate campaign in New Jersey. In fact, Sean Hannity does know me and we were quite friendly a number of years ago.

Senate Democrats get votes needed for health care debate

The Senate voted 60-39 Saturday night to proceed with a floor debate on Majority Leader Harry Reid's $848 billion health care bill.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hannity Bogus Tea Party Video Exposed

Hannity Bogus Tea Party Video Exposed

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Freedom of Speech a curse or ?

Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak without censorship and\or limitation. However freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, such as on "hate speech". And this is what this guy is preaching but in a very civil way, His audience are mainly angry old and ignorant white men and Women. Why do people have to listen to this nonsense.
if this was Jeremiah Wright there will be condemnation from everyone, but what do we get from the Republicans, Rush Limbaugh does not speak for the Republican party, well he does because there is only two party's in the US and his definitely does not like the one in power right now, if his such a good guy why not run to become the president of USA.

Most Republicans want Obama to fail

Most Republicans silently want Obama to fail but will not speak out due to the backlash effect that this might have on there political career, that is why they have left this Job for the guys at fox news. Glen Beck (Mr Crazy as i will like to call him, Hannity (Mr Hypocrite) and Bill O'reilly(smart Ass Wanna Be)
I don't understand why anyone would want there country to fail just because they don't like the guy at the top. His just one guy, if he fails the entire American economy will fail and this will leave most of them jobless or there family members or friends. What i have discovered about Americans is that majority of them can be so ignorant and stupid irrespective of there level of education and this is hard to believe, why would anybody ever believe what they hear on the news without trying to find out the truth for themselves, well this is what is happening right now in America with the who tea party movement and Conservative uprising..

Monday, October 26, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Punk'd

Keith Olbermann exposes Rush Limbaugh's ignorance, does this guy not bother to research what he delivers’s to his audience.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Why Do People Hate You When They are supposed to love and Respect you

Kids say the darndest things.

President Obama found himself facing the raised hand of 9-year-old Terrence Scott, of Pauline, La., in a town-hall style meeting Thursday during his highly publicized visit to New Orleans.

Answering questions from a kid is risky: Though a picture of the president talking one-on-one with a child is always a good photo-op, you can never control what they’re going to say.

Children don’t know the rules. They don’t know what will look good on cameras, they don’t know about the after-speech breakdown in a flurry of punditry and they don’t know what carefully constructed phrasing will earn their political allies the most points.

They don’t have political allies. They don’t see things in terms of red or blue, Democrat or Republican. And they certainly don’t know how their words will affect the balance of power.

So when Obama handed this 9-year-old his microphone in front of hundreds of people and the hungry maw of news cameras, he was going out on a limb.

“I have to say, why people hate you and, and why, they supposed to love you and — God is love,” the boy stammered nervously.

The audience laughed like the kid was sitting across from Bill Cosby. It was adorable — Obama has spent the last quarter of the year fighting grueling political battles and suffering an unparalleled amount of hatred. And now he was facing this little clueless kid, who was telling the president of the United States he just didn’t understand why his job had to be so hard.

But Terrence’s question is far more than cute, humorous irony — it cuts to the blackened, poisoned heart of our political culture.

Terrence’s question may have gained only minimal coverage as an adorable anecdote, but it is perhaps the most insightful political inquiry uttered by any American in recent memory.

It’s more revealing than the dogmatic demands of Sean Hannity or the incendiary
hypothetical hypocrisy of Glenn Beck. It’s more relevant than the insipid pandering of Keith
Olberman or the bombastically empty “holding accountable” by Lou Dobbs.

It’s certainly far more penetrating a question than anything I’ve ever asked, written or even thought.

And it’s even phrased exactly the way it should be — confused and stuttered.

Obama’s answer to the question was coolly diplomatic. He said it was “all part of the job description.”

It may be true the president has, does and always will have to deal with a lot of sour sentiment, but there’s a lot more hate flying his direction than is usual — or appropriate.

His religious identity, his patriotism and even his citizenship have been called into question.

Across the spectrum of respectability — from town-hall meetings to the halls of Congress — he has been called a liar, a racist and a communist, and his ideals have been said to be against everything we stand for as Americans.

It hardly seems like “part of the job description” is an adequate answer to the question.

The truth, and what Obama probably had to summon every inch of restraint not to say, is he doesn’t know.

He doesn’t know why parents pull children out of schools so they won’t hear him say kids should work hard and do great things for America. He doesn’t know why he wins a Nobel Peace Prize and voices nationwide cry out in dismay. He doesn’t know why, when the nation faces challenges of paralyzingly huge scope, both his allies and his “enemies” are all fighting over power instead of progress.

“I have to say, why people hate you and, and why, they supposed to love you and — God is love,”

Why, Terrence? I don’t know.

But a great many Americans are just as confused as you are.

And we all hope somebody with power has the courage and wisdom to change it all.

The Reason why Rush Limbaugh Quit talk Show

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Gets Served a Cold Glass of Shut Up Juice by Caller

Tea Parties and other crazy Republican antics

Lindsey Graham Speaks Out Against Beck & Conservative Fringe Elements

Who is Glen Beck Aligned With ?

Michelle Malkin taking Heat from Chris Matthews

Conservative Media React To Senator Franken Are this Guys for Real ?

Not sure if Beck knows what his talking about most of the time..

IS Glen Beck a Liar ?

Watch this Video Clip..

Alan Grayson should be declared an American Hero on his stand on Health Care Reform

Alan Grayson: I Will Not Apologize- America Doesn't Care About Your Feelings

Why should he apologize..

Below is the type of comments that Alan is getting from reasonable Americans.

Thank you very much. We need more politicians like Alan Grayson who are not getting bribes/payoffs from the health insurance lobbyists and who speak for the majority of Americans.

Janeane Garofalo Vs Tea Party attendees on Keith Olbermann

You are welcome to share your thoughts on this Tea Party attendees

Obama Vs Republican Party

The Republican party has now come out of their shell to show themselves as the Party of NO to everything, I challenge anybody to prove me wrong. George Bush went to Iraq and spent millions killing innocent souls and almost bankrupting America. (Funny enough I loved the guy because he cracks me up). Fine, there was some criticism but not to the level of what we see today from the so called tea party morons in almost all 50 states. The irony of of the tea party is that majority of them are all ignorant and ill informed, just a few that know why they are there, but in most cases there is that racial element in their attendance and that is evident from the banners on display, Fox News will tell you otherwise.
It appalls me that Fox News have employees like Glen Beck and Hannity on their pay roll, these guys are nothing but a bunch of morons who most of the time don't have a clue what they are talking about. Take for instance the Health Care controversy that has been brewing for eternity now, do you honestly believe that the government is trying to bankrupt you by increasing your health insurance, come on men. This whole thing is becoming sickening. This other guy in fox news Juan, men he is such an idiot, most of the time he is clueless and just tags along with the rest of the crowd Oreilly, Glen and Hannity.
Watch this space for more ranting... Some of you would be wondering what do I care am not even American, well am not but I believe that America is the greatest nation on earth and we need to bring all that good stuff that we admire about America back. Stuff that people all over the world love about America.
All that the Republicans have managed to do so far by opposing everything that Obama is trying to achieve is making the party a laughing stock, and alienating the minority.