Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Most Republicans want Obama to fail

Most Republicans silently want Obama to fail but will not speak out due to the backlash effect that this might have on there political career, that is why they have left this Job for the guys at fox news. Glen Beck (Mr Crazy as i will like to call him, Hannity (Mr Hypocrite) and Bill O'reilly(smart Ass Wanna Be)
I don't understand why anyone would want there country to fail just because they don't like the guy at the top. His just one guy, if he fails the entire American economy will fail and this will leave most of them jobless or there family members or friends. What i have discovered about Americans is that majority of them can be so ignorant and stupid irrespective of there level of education and this is hard to believe, why would anybody ever believe what they hear on the news without trying to find out the truth for themselves, well this is what is happening right now in America with the who tea party movement and Conservative uprising..

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